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In: Napatech, Packet Capture, Packet Capture Cards
Napatech’s NT200A02 SmartNIC provides full capture of network data at 100 Gbps, even supporting bursts at 200 Gbps with zero packet loss. It promises 100% accurate packet replay of all network traffic, time-stamped with nanosecond precision, for optimum network performance monitoring.
Designed for toughness and longevity, the rigid case ensures durability with no compromise on air flow. The integral blower takes in air from the top and bottom, doubling the flow to keep critical components cool. That extends the life of the card and reduces the energy needed for external cooling, cutting overall running costs.
There is no top limit to the number of cards that can be packed into a server. For maximum efficiency, multiple data streams can be merged into a single time-stamped flow for analysis, testing and simulation.
NT200A02 cards can be used in 100G network infrastructures, using any server platform, and are compatible with 2×1/10G, 2×10/25G and 2×25/10G/2×10/1G network monitoring applications.
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